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Bob West Main Page Korean War
To view Frank McGill's Page and to read his excellent report "My Two Years as an Infantryman in the United States Army"
Photo's from Sandbag Castle Area 52/53
Bob West Main Page Korean War
Recollections from Korea 50 years ago

New Photos added 7/28/03
Photo provided by the family of Cpl
Leonard Ralph Mitchell
Photo provided by the family of Cpl
Leonard Ralph Mitchell
Photo provided by the family of Cpl
Leonard Ralph Mitchell
Photo provided by the family of Cpl
Leonard Ralph Mitchell
Photo provided by the family of Cpl
Leonard Ralph Mitchell
Photo of Richard Reahard taken on reverse slope of Sandbag Castle
Taken upon arrival at harbor Inchon, Korea Sept 1952
Taken from blocking position behind Mortor Hill, Near Inje, Korea, Oct 1952
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The Photo above was taken in the fall of 1952 from the trench about 150 feet
to the west of the CASTLE. Orginally I was a member of the Second squad First Platoon
in reserve behind the castle. Sam Davis was the squad leader and Redwing was asistant
squad leader. Sam was killed there during the North Korean attack March of
The photo to the
upper right was taken at the same time and from about the same location but
looking more to the west looking down the valley and towards HeartBreak ridge.
If I remember correctly this was the jump off spot for the patrols we ran down the
ridge to the left in the upper photo. There was an OP manned about 100 feet in
front of this position every night .
If any of you have pictures you would like to add to this page you may contact me
thru my e mail address at . Would like to hear from anyone
connected with the 45th Division or any veteran from the Korean War. Roy Powers
and I were at the 180th encampment this summer at McAlester, OK and we expect to be at the reunion
of the 45th Division in Oklahoma City August 29th,30th, & 31st 2002
Roy was with
us on the Castle and he contributed the black & white pictures of other of our I Company
Comrades Roy lives in Memphis, TN and if you want to contact him e mail me your name
and phone number and I will get it to him. Or you can call me at (239) 992 0433
There are also photos provided by Warren Williams. Warren was with the 180th Regt. Tank
co. and was assigned to Fox Co. of the 180th near Sandbag Castle. William would like to
hear from members of his crew William Fitzpatrick, gunner,Anthony Palombo, driver
and Slatter,loader and of course anyone else who remembers him.
The following photos were furnished by Millard Horn's Grandson Travis Dales.
Millard was with the tank crew in the tank(See Richard's Photo1) located on the west end of Item Company's
position on the Castle during the winter of 52/53
Photo of Millard Horn
Photo of Millard's Tank and other crew members
Millard is on the right
The following photos were provided by Richard "Dick" Karbel and his son Keith. These are
photos collected by Dick during his time with Item Company of the 180th Regiment of the 45th
Division. Dick joined the unit in November 1952 and was with them till August 1953.
Richard's 57 Recoiless Rifle Squad Dick is on the right
Richard's 57 Recoiless Rifle Position
Richard's 57 Recoiless Rifle Crew That's Dick in the middle with KATUSAs Bae Jung Suk and Kim
Jung Soon
Reverse Slope Behind SandBag Castle Shows the Trail Leading back to the Tramway
Tanks in their Daytime position pulled back from the line, but reaady to pull foward into position if needed
Position where tanks are located at night in position on the MLR
Air Strike on Emeny positions in front of the Castle
Photos added 12/2002
The following photos were provided by Robert Moore with Item Company of the 180th Regiment of the 45th
Division. On SandBag Castle
Getting Haircut?
SandBag Castle
SandBag Castle Also
1st Platoon Non Coms Feb. 53
Photos added 12/2002
The following photos were provided by William Dave Kirby, Medic assigned to Item Company 180th, Joined the
company winter 1953.
Photo taken in front of bunker by the jumpoff to the LP westside of the castle.
Picture of friends taken on the Castle winter 53. Who's on the Left?
A real 30 Cal. AirCooled Machine Gun Browning
Return to Main Homepage
Created Jan. 3, 2001

To See William Warren's
and Roy Power's
Photos from Korea 1952/1953
Roy's Photo2
Roy's Photo1
Roy's Photo3
Roy's Photo4
Roy's Photo5
Roy's Photo6
Roy's Photo7
To See William Warren's from Korea 1952/1953
Warren's Photo1
Warren's Photo2
Warren's Photo3
Warren's Photo5
To See the rest of Richard's Photos
from Korea 1952/1953
Richard's Photo1
Richard's Photo2
Richard's Photo3
Richard's Photo4
Richard's Photo5
Richard's Photo6
Richard's Photo7
Richard's Photo8
Richard's Photo9
Richard's Photo10
UPDATE 9/20/04 NEW PHOTOS furnished by Arnold Samuelson
Arnold's photo_10
Aronld's photo_36
Arnold's photo_37
Arnold's photo_45
Arnold's photo_49
for Album of Easterly's and Riscoe's
photos from late 53 to after the truce click here
To anyone interested in joining either the
180th Association or the 45th Division Association OR BOTH Contact Larry Traw at (National Secretary) or O. Mac Smith at
All that have any connection to the 180th Infantry Regiment are entitled to become
To download form to join 180th Association click here
To download form to join 45th Infantry Division Association click here